Ph.D. Amirkabir University of Technology, Control Engineering, 2014
M.Sc. Pompeu Fabra University, Brain & Cognition, 2023
Driven by a lifelong fascination with the brain, I transitioned from over a decade in Control Engineering, where I was an Assistant Professor, to neuroscience to leverage my expertise in control theory within computational neuroscience. My early research, including my second Master’s degree project, utilized real-time Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems to explore the sense of agency. Currently, I am developing BCI setups using EEG and potentially fMRI to study the roles of secondary motor integrators in sensorimotor decision-making. This work involves analyzing the temporal dynamics of decision variables to understand how sensory and motor information are integrated, dynamically adjusting decision boundaries, aiming to enhance the accuracy of behavioral predictions and advance our understanding of the neural bases of decision processes.
Office: 662 Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology
Tel: 0141 330 4663